White writing on a blue background that reads: Global Accessibility Awareness Day, 20 May 2021. How can the world be more accessible? A cartoon of a computer, keyboard and mouse is placed beside the writing on the right hand side

Accessibility in the world: What needs to change?

Happy Global Accessibility Awareness Day! The past 15 months has seen highs and lows in terms of accessibility; from spikes in remote working opportunities and golden tickets to attending events online, to digital exclusion and accessibility barriers in shops and city centres. With all of this in mind, GAAD 2021 feels more significant than ever. […]

Disability Wales Annual Conference graphic which has the numbers 2020 on the left in different colours and the DW logo underneath. The writing on the right reads New opportunities or Same Barriers? The date, 12th November at 10am - 1pm. Where? Online via Zoom. The writing is set in black on a pale yellow background.

Annual Conference: Beyond 2020 – New opportunities or same barriers?

Disability Wales/Anabledd Cymru Annual Conference and AGM. Beyond 2020: New Opportunities or Same Barriers? When?: 10am – 1pm: 12th November 2020 Where?: Held via Zoom due to Coronavirus Restrictions With the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, Brexit and upcoming Senedd Elections, what does the future hold for disabled people? Are Welsh Disability Rights laws within our grasp and […]

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