
Annual report front page in DW's trademark navy logo colour. The letters DW/AC and the numbers 22-23 are stacked on the right side of the page in bold text that is slightly darker than the background colour. In the bottom left, the words Annual Report 2022-2023 are set in DW's trademark orange logo colour. In the top left is DW's logo in white and orange.

Disability Wales Annual Report 2022-23

On behalf of the Board of Disability Wales, I have pleasure in sharing our Annual Report for 2022-23, approved at our recent AGM. In the words of our Chairperson Willow Holloway, ‘it has been another really productive year for Disability Wales. We have continued to represent our members during these challenging times whilst increasing understanding of disabled people’s […]

On a navy background, white title text reads Disability Wales News. Below are the words Annual Conference above the heading Challenging Stereotypes, Changing Society: Disabled People and the Media. DW's logo is placed underneath the heading on the left side and on the right is text that says: Bringing broadcasters, journalists and disabled people together to think about the portrayal of disabled people in the media. Location: Glamorgan County Cricket Club and Online. Date: 17 October 2023.

Everything you need to know ahead of DW Annual Conference 2023

The big day is almost here! After months of planning, we’re looking forward to seeing guests, speakers and stallholders all coming together on Tuesday 17 October as we shine the spotlight on disabled people in the media. The day is set to be a busy one with keynote speeches, a panel discussion with media experts […]

Disability Wales logo which has the organisation name in English and Welsh in plain text on a white background. The words are framed on the left hand side by four spirals in DW's trademark blue and orange colours.

Neurodiversity and the Social Model of Disability

The Social Model of Disability is one of our main values here at Disability Wales. We work tirelessly to promote the understanding, adoption and implementation of the Social Model throughout Wales. We know that everyone’s relationship with the Social Model will differ and we believe it’s important to highlight the experiences of those who have […]

Disability Wales logo which has the organisation name in English and Welsh in plain text on a white background. The words are framed on the left hand side by four spirals in DW's trademark blue and orange colours.

Press release: Report finds worsening violations of disabled people’s rights

UK Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations have today launched a scathing report evaluating the government’s performance seven years on from a United Nations finding of grave and systematic violations of disabled people’s rights due to austerity and welfare reform. Kamran Mallick, Chief Executive of Disability Rights UK said, “The evidence is clear, the situation has […]

Disability Wales logo which has the organisation name in English and Welsh in plain text on a white background. The words are framed on the left hand side by four spirals in DW's trademark blue and orange colours.

Press release: Government hides from UN over treatment of disabled people

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Disability organisations have criticised the government’s decision not to give evidence to a United Nations inquiry as showing contempt for disabled people. The inquiry evidence session, taking place in Geneva on 28 August, is part of a follow up to the special investigation carried out by the UN’s committee responsible for the […]

On a navy background, white title text reads Disability Wales News. Below are the words Annual Conference above the heading Challenging Stereotypes, Changing Society: Disabled People and the Media. DW's logo is placed underneath the heading on the left side and on the right is text that says: Bringing broadcasters, journalists and disabled people together to think about the portrayal of disabled people in the media. Location: Glamorgan County Cricket Club and Online. Date: 17 October 2023.

Challenging Stereotypes, Changing Society: Disabled People and the Media

Hold the front page! Disability Wales Annual Conference and AGM is coming to Cardiff on Tuesday 17 October 2023. Join us at Glamorgan County Cricket Club and online as we consider the representation and portrayal of disabled people in the media. Over the years, news stories and media features about disabled people have seldom been […]

Disability Wales logo which has the organisation name in English and Welsh in plain text on a white background. The words are framed on the left hand side by four spirals in DW's trademark blue and orange colours.

Press Release: Disabled People’s Organisations demand full disclosure in COVID Inquiry

PRESS RELEASE  6 JUNE 2023 DISABLED PEOPLE’S ORGANISATIONS DEMAND FULL DISCLOSURE IN COVID INQUIRY At a preliminary hearing of Module 2 of the Covid Inquiry on 6 June 2023 four national Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs): Disability Action Northern Ireland, Disability Rights UK, Disability Wales and Inclusion Scotland have argued for full disclosure of Government Whatsapps and […]

Disability Wales logo which has the organisation name in English and Welsh in plain text on a white background. The words are framed on the left hand side by four spirals in DW's trademark blue and orange colours.

Working as an intern at Disability Wales: Rosie’s experience

Over the years, we have welcomed many interns to join the DW team to give them the opportunity to learn more about what we do and gain hands on experience in all aspects of our organisation. Our latest recruit was Rosie, a final year Cardiff University student.  Having just moved into our new home in […]

Title text in white writing on a dark blue background that says UK Covid-19 Inquiry. Beneath it are the inquiry and Disability Wales’ logos on a white background. Writing on the right says Module 2B Preliminary Hearing - 29/03/2023 at 10am. The Hearing will look at core political and administrative decision making in Wales. DW will address the Inquiry at the Public Hearing to give voice to the experiences of disabled people from Wales and their families. Watch live on the UK Public Inquiry Youtube channel.

Press Release: UK Covid-19 Inquiry – 29/03/2023

UK COVID-19 Inquiry to hear directly about the experiences of disabled people and their families during the pandemic The UK Covid-19 Inquiry has been set up to examine the UK’s response to and impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, and learn lessons for the future. The Inquiry is Chaired by Baroness Heather Hallett, a former Court of […]

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