Kat Watkins

Access to Politics Project Officer

Kat Watkins smiling at the camera. She wears a bright pink top along with a DW lanyard. She has long light hair.

As Access to Politics Project Officer, Kat is responsible for developing and advocating for the inclusive political participation of disabled people in Wales. This includes facilitating support networks to ensure the full participation of Deaf and Disabled People in all areas of Political life.

Previously, Kat was Disability Wales’ UNCRDP Development Officer, responsible for bringing education and knowledge about the convention to schools across Wales. Her role encompassed her passion to educate children about disability and the UNCRDP. She has volunteered with different DPO’s for many years and, because of the opportunities Covid has brought in terms of working from home, was able to join Disability Wales in 2021.

In her spare time, Kat likes to craft, travel to different countries and campaign for disabled people’s rights.

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